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TFT LCD Display



TFT LCD, TFT  Display, TFT LCD Module

Taimates Electronics' TFT LCD modules are available in various sizes ranging from the smallest 0.96" up to 10.1" middle size of LCD. Available diagonal sizes are available from 0.96” TFT, 1.3” TFT, 1.54” TFT, 2.0” TFT, 2.2” TFT, 2.4” TFT, 2.8” TFT, 3.2” TFT, 3.5” TFT, 4.0” TFT. 4.3” TFT, 5.0” TFT, 7.0”TFT, 8.0” TFT, 10.1” TFT and son on. These TFT LCD modules are provided with the standard, the options with touch panels, controller boards as well as the special features such as wide temperature, high-brightness, enhanced sunlight readability and etc. Most of our TFT LCD modules are designed with more than one interface including RGB, MCU, SPI, TTL, LVDS and even MIPI.

Industrial-grade TFT Display

Taimates Electronics’ TFT LCD modules are suitable for industrial requirements and quality criteria, and perfect for different industrial applications such as Industrial Control, Medical Instrument, Telecommunication, Home Appliance, Automotive and etc. Such as the below end products:

1. Industrial control: electricity meters, automation controls, testing or measuring device, industrial ventilation, access control unit, thermostats

2. Medical: Glucose meter, thermal meter, hospital ventilator, blood analysis scale, skin tester, vital monitoring system, digital pipet

3. Telecommunication: office machine, fax machine, Portable RFID reader, textile analyzer, cash register, Handheld POS unit, IP phone, DECT phone, payment terminals

4. Home appliance: food processor, food mixer, pressure cooker, coffee machine, home door phone, sewing machine, Refrigerator, digital set top box

5. Automotive: car reader, head-up display, infotainment system, motorcycle cluster, climate control interface, tire pressure monitoring system, aftermarket GPS monitor

TFT LCD Display Manufacturer-Taimates Electronics

The below list is for the standard TFT display modules. Semi-customization and special requirement are also available for customer design, please contact us via
email to:


model. ZY-T800480I070C001-A

- Round/Bar Type TFT

2.1"Round IPS TFT
2.1"Round IPS TFT
model. ZY-T480480S021 series

- 0.96- 3.5 TFT

2.8" TFT 240*320
2.8" TFT 240*320
model. ZY-T240320I028N001
2.4" TFT 240*320 (TN)
2.4" TFT 240*320 (TN)
model. ZY-T240320S024N003
2.4" TFT 240*320 (IPS)
2.4" TFT 240*320 (IPS)
model. ZY-T240320S024N002
2.2" TFT 240*320
2.2" TFT 240*320
model. ZY-T240320I022N001
2.0" TFT 176*220
2.0" TFT 176*220
model. ZY-T176220I020N001
1.77" TFT 128*160
1.77" TFT 128*160
model. ZY-T128160I018N001
1.54"TFT 320x320
1.54"TFT 320x320
model. ZY-T320320S015C001
1.3" TFT 240*240
1.3" TFT 240*240
model. ZY-T240240I013N001

- 3.5” - 7.0” TFT

7.0" TFT 1024*600
7.0" TFT 1024*600
model. ZY-T1024600T070N001
7.0" TFT 800*480
7.0" TFT 800*480
model. ZY-T800480T070N001
5.0" TFT 480*272
5.0" TFT 480*272
model. ZY-T480272T050N001
5.0" TFT 800*480
5.0" TFT 800*480
model. ZY-T800480T050N001
4.3" TFT 800*480 IPS
4.3" TFT 800*480 IPS
model. ZY-T800480T043N002
4.3" TFT 480*272 TN
4.3" TFT 480*272 TN
model. ZY-T480272T043N003
3.5" TFT 320*480
3.5" TFT 320*480
model. ZY-T320480I035N001
3.5" TFT 320*240
3.5" TFT 320*240
model. ZY-T320240T035N001

- 7.0”-10.1" TFT

8.0" TFT with CTP
8.0" TFT with CTP
model. ZY-T800600T080C001
10.4" TFT with CTP
10.4" TFT with CTP
model. ZY-T1024768T104C001


MODEL No. SIZE Resolution Outline Dimension
(W*H*T, in mm)
Active Area
(W*H, in mm)
Viewing Direction Controller/Driver Interface Brightness Touch Panel Note
ZY-T080160S010N001 0.96" 80*160 13.3*27.95*1.8 10.8*21.7 ALL ST7735S SPI 200 nits None  
ZY-T240240I013N001 1.3" 240*240 26.85*29.55*1.9 23.40*23.40 ALL ST7789V SPI 300 nits None  
ZY-T240240S015N001 1.54" 320*320 31.52*33.72*1.45 27.744*27.744 ALL ST7796S MIPI 450 nits None  
ZY-T320320S015C001 1.54" 320*320 31.52*33.72*1.45 27.744*27.744 ALL ST7796S MIPI 280 nits CTP  
ZY-T128160I017N001 1.77" 128*160 34.70*46.70*2.55 28.03*35.04 12H ILI9163C MCU/SPI/RGB 200 nits None  
ZY-T240320I020N001 2.0" 240*320 37.68*51.30*2.40 31.68*39.60 12H ILI9225G MCU 8bit/16bit 250 nits None  
ZY-T240320S024N002 2.4" 240*320 42.72*60.26*2.3 36.72*48.96 12H ST7789V MCU/SPI/RGB 250 nits None  
ZY-T240320S024C002 2.4" 240*320 42.72*60.26*2.3 36.72*48.96 12H ST7789V SPI 200 nits CTP  
ZY-T240320I028N001 2.8" 240*320 50.00*69.20*2.45 43.20*57.60 12H ILI9341V MCU 8bit/16bit 250 nits None  
ZY-T320480I035R001 3.5" 320*480 55.66*85.04*2.40 48.96*73.44 12H ILI9488 3-SPI/RGB 18bit 350 nits RTP  
ZY-T320240T035R001 3.5" 320*240 76.84*63.84*4.46 70.08*52.56 6H HX8238D RGB 280 nits RTP  
ZY-T480272I043R001 4.3" 480*272 105.5*67.20*4.2 95.04*53.86 12H ST7282 MCU 240 nits RTP  
ZY-T480272T043C002 4.3" 480*272 108.19*69.78*4.25 95.04*53.86 12H ST7282 RGB 250 nits CTP  
ZY-T480272T043N003 4.3" 480*272 105.5*67.20*4.2 95.04*53.86 12H ST7282 RGB 500 nits None  
ZY-T480272T043C003 4.3" 480*272 108.19*69.78*4.25 95.04*53.86 12H ST7282 RGB 400 nits CTP  
ZY-T800480T043C002 4.3" 800*480 111.4*73.1*4.60 95.04*53.86 ALL HX8264+HX8664 RGB 400 nits CTP  
ZY-T480272T050R001 5.0" 480*272 75.20*120.70*3.10 62.832*110.88 6H ILI6480 RGB 220 nits RTP  
ZY-T800480T050N001 5.0" 800*480 120.80*75.90*3.10 108.00*64.80 6H ILI5480+ILI6123 RGB 300 nits None  
ZY-T800480T070N001 7.0" 800*480 164.90*101.45*5.70 153.60*90.00 6H ILI5480+ILI6123 RGB 250 nits None  
ZY-T1024600T070N001 7.0" 1024*600 165.75*105.39*2.80 153.60*90.00 6H NT52002+NT52008 LVDS 300 nits None  
ZY-T1024600T101N001 10.1" 1024*600 232.72*136.28*6.15 222.72*125.28 12H   RGB 500 nits None  
ZY-T1024600T101C002 10.1" 1024*600 249.51*167.1*6.15 222.72*125.28 12H   RGB 400 nits CTP  
ZY-T1280800L101C001 10.1" 1280*800 257.96*168.6*4.75 216.96*135.6 ALL   LVDS 400 nits CTP  
ZY-T19201080L116N001 11.6" 1920*1080 268*168*3.0 256.32*144.18 ALL -10~+60C LVDS 400 nits None  
ZY-T800600L121N001 12.1" 800*600 279*209*9.0 246*184.5 6H -20~+70C LVDS 400 nits None  
ZY-T1024768L121N001 12.1" 1024*768 279*209*9.0 245.76*184.32 6H -30~+85C LVDS 500 nits None  
ZY-T1024768L150N001 15.0" 1024*768 326.5*253.5*11.5 304.1*228.1 6H -30~+70C LVDS 350 nits None  
ZY-T1366768L156N001 15.6" 1366*768 363.8*215.9*16.85 344.232*193.536 6H +0~+60C LVDS 400 nits None  
ZY-T12801024L190N001 19.0" 1280*1024 396*324*11.2 376.32*301.06 6H -30~+85C LVDS 350 nits None  
ZY-T19201080L215N001 21.5" 1920*1080 495.6*292.2*10.6 476.64*268.11 ALL +0~+50C LVDS 250 nits None  

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